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GLME Testimonials Arthritis Seatone Comparison Published Research Media Centre Order Now


Osteo-Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis Spondylitis
Testimonial of a 52-year-old woman, suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis (RA +ve) for 8 to 10 years

Patients explains discomfort and joint pain including fingers,shoulders and knees due Rheumatoid Arthritis. She explain how Biolane® GLME (Seatone) helped her in recovery of 80% She thanks all the way to Perma healthcare and Biolane® GLME (Seatone)

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52-year-old woman, suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis, condition improved after taking Biolane® GLM Extract

"Till April 1994 I was a healthy woman. I did not have any type of disease. But after that, there was tumor in my uterus and I got operated for it. After that, in 1997 I had problem of B.P (high) and also when I used to wake up in the morning I had severe pain in both ankles. But the pain reduced after taking bath. During that period I took Indocap SR (indomethacin-sustained release) tablets. I got relief only for a few months."

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A mother of a girl from Queensland, Australia says :

"I am writing to let you know how well my daughter is since taking the mussel extract. She has had rheumatoid arthritis and she can use both hands now for writing and even raise them above her head.

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A lady in Auckland, New Zealand says :

"some years ago I developed pain and stiffness in my right shoulder which was diagnosed as being due to rheumatoid arthritis. The doctor I consulted prescribed brufen tablets and subsequently sent me to a hospital where I underwent treatment, finally having cortisone injections (which I might say were cruelly painful and did not seem to give lasting relief).

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A gentleman from Spain says :

"I feel obliged to inform you about my miraculous experience with the mussel extract. I have badly suffered with rheumatoid poly-arthritis during the past months. From august on I have been treated here with all hard medical drugs of the pirarolones, butaphenarolone and corticosteroid groups without any lasting results. Sometimes a certain relief but upon ceasing with a specific medication after a few days from bad to worse again.

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