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GLME Testimonials Arthritis Seatone Comparison Published Research Media Centre Order Now


Osteo-Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis Spondylitis
Testimonial of a 79-year-old woman, suffering from Joint Pains for 16-17 years

I, Kusum Lata Rana, age around 79 years and weight 45 kgs, have been suffering from joint pains from last 16-17 years. I was experiencing difficulty in mobility and while walking, there was unbearable pain in the knees. In the last 16-17 years, I have tried many known treatments (Allopathic, Ayurveda etc.) but there was no significant comfort. Then one day, I came across an article about "Biolane® GLM Extract (Seatone)" and thought when I have tried so many things, let me try once more with this product also.

In the beginning of the course of the treatment I felt acute pain and in this state of worry, I even thought to discontinue and return the medicine, but the company executives advised me to continue the same as this was a common phenomena and there was nothing to worry. Then I started the treatment again with double the confidence and much to my surprise, from the 2nd month onwards I started feeling the relief in pain. I carried out my X-ray after three months and amazingly, doctors have said that the gap between my bones has started increasing. My right thumb also used to pain, and even there I am feeling quite good relief. Now, I can say confidently that my recovery percentage is around 40%. For such a recovery, I want to thank all the people related with this natural treatment. You are all worthy of my good wishes. Earlier my knees seemed to have become flat, but now my knee cap is visible, maybe due to the re-growth of cartilage.

Date : 13.09.07
Kusum Lata Rana
Karol Bagh, Delhi

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