Improves mobility and range of motion of the affected joint. [1]
Gastro-protective i.e. it protects stomach lining. [3]
It appears to impact on the inflammatory process of arthritis via multiple mechanisms thereby reducing pain, stiffness and inflammation. [1]
Studies indicate an average success rate of 70% for arthritis sufferers. The big advantage of GLM Extract is that it doesn't cause the classical adverse side effects of drug therapy.
Degree of improvement in relation to mobility, pain and visual analogue in osteo arthritis [1] and rheumatoid arthritis [2]
Standing X-RAY of a 53 year old man with grade III Osteo Arthritis showing reversal of joint space narrowing after 15 months of treatment with GLM [1].
Advisory: This is not intended for the diagnosis or treatment of medical complaints. It is for information purposes only.