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GLME Testimonials Arthritis Seatone Comparison Published Research Media Centre Order Now


Introduction Potential Benefits Composition Mode of Action References


  1. Kendall R, Lawson J and Hurley LA. New research and a clinical report on the use of Perna canaliculus in the management of arthritis. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, 2000; 204:98-111

  2. Gibson RG, Gibson SLM, Conway V, et al. Perna canaliculus in the treatment of arthritis. Practitioner, 1980; 224:955-60

  3. Rainsford KD and Whitehouse MW. Gastroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties of Green-Lipped Mussel (Perna canaliculus) preparation. Drug Res, 1980; 12:30 (11)

  4. Miller TE, Dodd J, Ormerod DJ and Geddes R. Anti-inflammatory activity of Glycogen Extracted from Perna canaliculus (NZ Green-Lipped Mussel). Agents and Actions, 1993; 38: Special Conference Issue

  5. Personal communication with researchers at the Wellington Clinical School, University of Otago School of Medicine, NZ. Results of Cox-2 Specificity Study, 2002

  6. Kosuge T,Tsuji K, Ishida H, Yamaguchi T. Isolation of an anti-histaminic substance from green-Lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus). Chem Pharm Bull, 1986; 34 (11) : 4825-8

  7. Billard H. Extract of Perna canaliculus (New Zealand green-lipped mussel) in Rheumatology. La Gazette Madicale 1985; 92 (7): 1-5

  8. Miller TE and Wu H. In vivo evidence for prostaglandin inhibitory activity in New Zealand Green-Lipped Mussel Extract. NZ Med J, 1984; 97:355-7

  9. Reginster JY, Deroisy R, Rovati LC, et al. Long-term effects of glucosamine sulphate on osteoarthritis progression: a randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Lancet 2001; 357: 251-6

  10. Bertolini A, Ottani A, Sandrini M. Dual acting anti-inflammatory drugs: a reappraisal. Pharmacol Res 2001; 44 (6): 437-50

  11. Miller TE, Ormrod DJ and Findon G. Evaluation of the effect of Seatone administration on cell-mediated immune mechanisms determined using 'in vitro' and 'in vivo' analysis of T Lymphocyte function. Private study in the Department of Medicine, University of Auckland. 1984

  12. Miller, T. E., Ormrod, D., An evaluation of the Toxicity of an Extract of Perna canaliculus

  13. Cheras PA, Stevenson L, Myers SP. In-vitro Biological Activities of Biolane Extract (Seatone): A comparative study. ACCMER, Sep 2005

  14. Lambert M, Semark A, Grobler L. The ergogenic properties of Seatone. Research Report by MRC/UCT Bioenergetics of Exercise Research Unit, UCT Medical School, Sport Science Institute of South Africa, 31st August 1998

  15. Lambert M, Semark A, Grobler L. The ergogenic properties of Seatone. Research Report by MRC/UCT Bioenergetics of Exercise Research Unit, UCT Medical School, Sport Science Institute of South Africa, 31st August 1998

Advisory: This is not intended for the diagnosis or treatment of medical complaints. It is for information purposes only.

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