A lady from Italy indicates the joy and relief from simply being able to lead a normal life without constant pain.
"I begin to feel like an agent in Rome as so many people have remarked on my wonderful improvement and want to try the mussel extract themselves that I am constantly getting for someone.
I count myself one of the very lucky ones -not only am I restored to mobility, I am free of constant pain that was really almost intolerable. I was taking painkilling drugs three times per day to alleviate the distress but since I finished my first course of mussel extract, I have not needed them. I have been able to get in and out of a chair without help, and have even tried knitting again.
I took a second course, following on the first bottle and now need the courage to stop taking them for a time to judge the long-term effects. The results for me are incredible and almost unbelievable. The best part is that I do not need any drugs whatever now. I have really gone quite mad and am doing all sorts of things, which have been impossible for sometime. Though I have to admit to being tired and full of aches I still do not have that terrible pain. There is a huge difference in aches and real pain. I only hope that other people will benefit as I have done. I am truly grateful and tell anyone who wants to listen to me just what happened".
Excerpts from the book "The New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel" written By Dr. John E. Croft
John Croft is a marine scientist currently researching the nutritional and therapeutic properties of substances derived from the sea - in particular those of the extract from the extraordinary green lipped mussel. The author wishes it to be understood that the information in his book relates only to the New Zealand mussel extract which has been the subject of all published research. No responsibility is accepted for any imitation products which may be claimed to be the same material.
Acknowledgement: Biolane® Green Lipped Mussel Extract from Healtheries of New Zealand.